8 Foolproof Tips to Boost Your Home Internet Speed

8 Foolproof Tips to Boost Your Home Internet Speed

Slow internet can be one of the most frustrating experiences ever. Whether you’re trying to stream a movie, download a game, or work from home, slow speeds can make it difficult to do anything. But don’t worry—there are several ways that you can improve your home internet speed without breaking the bank. Here are eight foolproof tips to boost your home internet speed.

  1. Upgrade Your Router or Modem – If you’re using an older router or modem, this could be the source of your slow internet speeds. Upgrading to a newer model with better technology and faster data transfer rates can make a world of difference in terms of your connection speeds.  While most equipment comes from your internet provider, it wouldn’t hurt to buy a modem and router from a third party. This way, you can have numerous options, and you can stop paying monthly equipment fees. However, you need to make sure that the equipment you’ll buy is compatible with your internet. So, for example, you currently have HughesNet Internet. Simply call their customer service, and ask about compatibility with routers and modems.
  2. Move Your Router – The placement of your router is just as important as its technology. If you have it placed in an area where there is too much interference from other electronic devices (e.g., TVs, microwaves), this could cause your signal strength to drop and lead to slower speeds. Try moving your router away from these sources of interference and see if it makes a difference in your connection speed.
  3. Make Sure Your Computer Is Updated – Outdated software can cause problems with your connection and even prevent you from accessing certain websites or services at all! Make sure that all of the software on your computer is up-to-date before trying any other troubleshooting tips.
  4. Check for Network Congestion – Whether you have the best GotW3 Internet plan or an average Verizon plan, network congestion is inevitable. If many people in the area are using their Wi-Fi at once, this could lead to slower speeds for everyone involved due to network congestion. Check with neighbors and family members who may also be experiencing slowdowns; if so, try setting up separate networks for each person/household so that everyone has their own dedicated bandwidth allocation and improved performance overall!
  5. Disable Bandwidth-Hogging Applications – Some applications, such as streaming video services like Netflix or YouTube, use more bandwidth than others which could slow down your connection overall if left running in the background or while not actively being used by you. Be sure to disable any applications that are not currently in use but may be taking up bandwidth unnecessarily when not needed for optimal performance results.
  6. Use An Ethernet Cable Instead Of Wi-Fi – If possible, switch over to using an ethernet cable instead of relying on Wi-Fi for better speeds overall since ethernet cables provide a more consistent connection than Wi-Fi does! This is especially useful if you’re gaming online since latency issues can cause laggy gameplay, which can ruin the experience altogether!     
  7. Use A Quality Of Service (QoS) Setting On Your Router – Many routers come equipped with QoS settings that allow you to prioritize certain types of traffic over others depending on what type of activity you’ll be doing online (e.g., gaming vs. streaming video). Enabling these settings on your router will help ensure that the most important tasks get done first before any other less important ones take precedence, thus improving overall performance levels accordingly!   
  8. Consider upgrading your plan. Sometimes, you experience network slowdown because your current plan is not enough to handle all the traffic you are generating. In such a situation, upgrading your plan to a higher speed can help reduce network slowdowns and give you more bandwidth for all of your activities. It’s best to look for better internet plans, like MetroNet plans, to see if they have available that could work best for you!


Slow internet speeds don’t have to ruin your day anymore—just follow these eight foolproof tips and watch as they instantly boost your home internet speed without having to break the bank! From upgrading hardware components like modems and routers, relocating them away from sources of interference like TVs/microwaves, disabling unneeded applications hogging up bandwidths, switching over to ethernet cables instead of relying solely on Wi-Fi connections, and more. Give some of these solutions a try now and start enjoying faster connections right away!

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