A Brief Guide to SIP calculator

For numerous investors in India, a Systematic Investment Plan, or SIP, is a well-liked route for building their long-term wealth as well as savings. With a SIP, you may invest small sums on a monthly basis in funds along with seeing your money increase over time thanks to compound interest. However, choosing the amount to invest through a SIP in order to reach various financial objectives can be challenging given the large number of funds as well as plans available. An SIP Calculator is helpful in this situation. A straightforward tool known as a SIP calculator may be used to predict your future returns according to variables such as monthly contribution amounts, SIP length, and projected rates of return. 

  • Understanding SIP Returns

The anticipated rate of return through the mutual fund plan is one of the important parameters taken into account by a SIP calculator. Over lengthy periods of 10–15 years, the majority of equities mutual funds have traditionally produced returns in the region of 12–15% annually. Debt funds often offer lower but more consistent returns of 8–10%. Depending on the kind of scheme, the SIP calculator lets you select a cautious, moderate, or aggressive predicted return. The formula Future worth = Present Value x (1 + Rate of Return) n, where ‘n’ is the number of years, is then used to determine the future worth of your SIP investments. 

  • Calculating Target Amounts

Calculating the monthly investing amount required to reach various financial objectives is simple with a SIP calculator. For instance, if your objective is to save Rs. 50 lakh for your child’s schooling over the course of 15 years, the calculator may estimate that you would need to make a SIP investment of about Rs. 10,000 per month. Similarly, it would indicate that a Rs. 20,000 SIP is necessary if you wish to retire with Rs. 1 crore after 30 years. To learn how minor adjustments affect your future corpus, experiment with tenure, and projected returns, as well as target quantities.

  • Tax Benefits of SIP

The convenience of indexation is one among the main benefits of investing via SIP. Indexation lowers the capital gains tax burden by adjusting the cost of asset acquisition for inflation. Only profits above Rs. 1 lakh in a fiscal year are subject to the 10% long-term capital gains tax. A SIP calculator aids in estimating both pre-tax and post-tax returns, taking into account the favourable long-term capital gains tax treatment. This provides a clearer view of the potential real profits on your SIP investments. 

  • Flexibility of SIP 

SIPs provide flexibility in contrast to lump sum investments, when the full amount is fixed for the long term. With just a 15-day notice, you can change the SIP instalment amount at any moment according to your changing financial condition. SIP calculators make it simple to evaluate how changing the monthly investing amount over time can affect future returns. For instance, using the power of compounding, raising the SIP via 10-15% every 2-3 years may considerably increase profits.


Indian investors may use a SIP calculator to predict the long-term returns from mutual fund SIPs, figure out the investment amounts required for various goals, and comprehend how tax advantages further boost profits. By experimenting with the factors, one can better comprehend how the SIP model functions and choose the best funds and quantities to accumulate wealth over time. Utilizing a SIP lumpsum calculator on a regular basis will help you monitor your progress and make any corrections to keep on pace with your financial goals.

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