Hatha-way to Apologize: Anne Hathaway Extends Olive Branch to Journalist After Cringeworthy Interview Resurfaces

We can all empathize with the pain of reliving an embarrassing moment from the past—even the most celebrated stars in Hollywood. Just ask Anne Hathaway, who found herself in that exact predicament when a disastrous 2012 interview resurfaced online. The Oscar-winning actress issued a heartfelt apology to the journalist responsible.

The cringe-inducing footage, originally filmed during a press junket for Hathaway’s film Les Misérables, shows the typically poised and polished actress delivering a series of curt, dismissive responses to Norwegian entertainment reporter Kjersti Flaa. Hathaway even rebuffed Flaa’s lighthearted suggestion that they sing their questions and answers together, telling the journalist, “Well, I won’t be doing that, but you’re more than welcome to sing.”

The awkward exchange quickly went viral, with many viewers accusing Hathaway of being “rude” and “unprofessional” in her treatment of Flaa. But rather than letting the incident fade into obscurity, the “Devil Wears Prada” star took the high road, reaching out to the journalist with a heartfelt apology.

“Yesterday, I did receive an email. It was from Anne Hathaway’s publicist, and he forwarded a message to me from Anne Hathaway,” Flaa revealed in a follow-up video. “I have to say, I was pretty shocked. I had not expected her to reach out to me at all. I thought she would never see that video, but she did. And she did something pretty amazing.”

According to Flaa, Hathaway’s email contained a “long” and “very personal” explanation for her behavior during the ill-fated interview. The actress reportedly profusely apologized for giving Flaa what she described as an “awful interview,” acknowledging that she had been struggling.

“It was so touching to me,” Flaa said, her voice almost breaking with emotion. “Just talking about it makes me almost teary-eyed because I was so grateful she did that.”

Hathaway’s remorse didn’t stop there, however. The 40-year-old actress also extended an olive branch to Flaa, inviting the journalist to interview her again the next time she has a significant film release – an opportunity that Flaa eagerly anticipates.

“I’m looking forward to that, Anne,” Flaa affirmed. “Thank you so much for doing that.”

It’s a move that demonstrates Hathaway’s grace and self-awareness under pressure and underscores the importance of owning up to one’s mistakes, no matter how high-profile the individual may be.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Flaa has found herself at the center of a viral celebrity interview controversy. Earlier this year, the journalist resurfaced a 2016 clip featuring an equally awkward exchange with Blake Lively, in which the “Gossip Girl” star responded sarcastically to Flaa’s congratulatory remarks about her pregnancy.

Like Hathaway, Lively faced criticism over her perceived rudeness, though she has yet to address the incident publicly.

But where Lively remained silent, Hathaway chose to take accountability, no doubt mindful of the lasting impact such moments can have on a public figure’s reputation.

“She sent me a long email explaining to me what she was going through right then when she did this interview, and she apologized for being… giving me an awful interview basically,” Flaa recounted. “It was so touching to me.”

In an age where cancel culture and viral shaming often precede forgiveness and understanding, Hathaway’s gesture serves as a refreshing reminder that even the most potent and successful among us are human. By owning her mistakes and reaching out with genuine remorse, the actress has not only mended fences with Flaa. Still, she has also solidified her standing as a class act in an industry all too often defined by ego and hubris.

As Flaa aptly said, “I was just so grateful that she did that.” In a world that can sometimes feel cold and cynical, that kind of gratitude is a precious commodity indeed.

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