The Benefits of Commercial Playground Equipment in Schools and Parks

Sustainability is still on-trend, and its popularity with individuals and businesses shows no signs of slowing down. Consumers have demonstrated a strong preference for sustainable brands and will often spend more to get what they want. Manufacturers, retailers, product designers and many others have followed suit. Nowhere is this clearer, perhaps, than in the decisions of urban planners and developers, who increasingly favor green — or at least green-looking — design.

What, you may be asking yourself, does any of this have to do with commercial playground equipment in schools and parks? To answer that question, you only need to take a look at some of the most popular recent playground designs. More and more city, school, and park planners are taking inspiration from nature, and favoring structures built from natural or recycled materials. Playgrounds are increasingly made of objects like trees, boulders, sand, and bamboo.

Is this a problem? Not exactly. These types of playgrounds, done well, can be an excellent and sometimes even cost-effective way to preserve natural resources and better the environment. They can also be quite the draw for kids and families used to more traditional playgrounds. However, they can also pose some problems, especially in schools and parks. This article will cover some of those downsides, and the benefits of choosing commercial playground equipment.

Better for Wear, Tear, and Repairs

On the one hand, a huge boulder isn’t going anywhere, so it makes a pretty nifty climbing structure. Kids who grew up in places like New York City will fondly remember the rocks they scrambled on in Central Park. More likely than not, those old archeological relics are still there many decades later, and could remain for centuries. Sometimes, building play structures out of natural materials can have the same effect: a near-permanent shelf-life, full of memories.

These rocks, however, are mostly a happy accident. They have little in common with the intentional designs of today’s “natural” playgrounds. These playgrounds incorporate logs, boulders, and ropes made of natural fibers to recreate the same effect. The problem is that these structures can degrade, erode, or get moved out of place a lot more easily than a truly natural boulder. That can result in a lot of issues with durability, repair, and maintenance.

For example, while a metal swing set or slide can last decades without issue, natural materials like wood can quickly become splintered or water-logged. These need to be repaired quickly in order to avoid further deterioration, but therein lies the problem. While commercial playground parts have standard repair instructions, natural and recycled materials may require special expertise. Regular maintenance of these materials can quickly get expensive and unsustainable.

Safer and More Engaging for Children

Having addressed the maintenance issues with natural structures, it’s time to consider the impact of not making regular repairs and updates. Natural materials like wood and rope can splinter and fray, leading to painful splinters, scratches, and friction burns. Water-logged or insect-infested wooden structures can, over time, completely lose their structural integrity. Rocks and boulders can come loose from the dirt around them and shift or roll, potentially causing serious injuries.

In addition, these materials aren’t necessarily designed to meet the same strict safety regulations that apply to commercial equipment. While it can be done, the process is less standardized, potentially making them more prone to issues. Commercial equipment is much less of a risk, since it has been subject to so many studies and so much legislation over many years. If you’re worried about cuts, falls, splinters, or even trapped children, commercial is the better choice.

It’s not just that: while green designs appeal to hip parents, eventually, the novelty of a “natural” playground often wears off quickly on children. Kids might initially be enthused about the concept of something totally different — say, a playground that looks like a real jungle. That excitement, however, can dissipate when they realize said playground is missing their favorite aspects. They’ll long for commercial elements like lightning-fast merry-go-rounds and ziplines. 

More Affordable Long-Term

The longer you spend managing a “sustainable” playground, the more unsustainable it becomes, at least financially. The costs of bringing in specialized maintenance technicians and maintaining weatherization start adding up over time. Sourcing and purchasing (or making) replacement materials can start to become a significant challenge. You might notice these repairs aso happen a lot more frequently than would’ve been needed with commercial equipment.

You might also find yourself running into unanticipated costs. For example, you may need to get additional safety certifications in order to keep your playground compliant with city ordinances. If you operate a school or daycare, you might encounter a family taking legal action if a child happens to get injured. Plus, it could be harder to find an insurance policy that will cover an all-natural playground, and you might not be fully covered in case of an incident.

You could also run into compliance issues if your playground doesn’t have required accessibility to meet local, state, or federal regulations. For example, there might be an ADA requirement to include elements like ramps or transfer stations. If your playground doesn’t have these and other disability-friendly features, you might be forced to pay a fine or make further upgrades. That’s not including the cost of a legal specialist who can research and interpret these requirements.

Going Commercial and Sustainable

While there are many advantages to designing with natural materials, it’s easy to see how going commercial is usually the best choice. Plus, with more and more commercial playground companies sourcing sustainable and recycled materials, you may not have to sacrifice eco-friendliness. Instead, consider working with a supplier who offers access to a wide range of options. That way, you can choose the right balance of affordability, sustainability, and durability.

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